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Tropic Ditch Replacement Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

The Tropic Ditch Replacement Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact analyzes project alternatives, including the proposed pipeline, and documents public scoping and consultation with area tribes and state and federal agencies.
Public scoping for the project was initiated by the Bureau of Reclamation on June 13, 2005 by scoping letters to interested individuals, groups and stakeholders. Seven responses to the scoping letter were received and considered in preparation of the EA. The Bureau of Reclamation and Bryce Canyon National Park coordinated discussions regarding pipeline alignment alternatives, cultural resource impacts, and biological resource impacts. The State Historic Preservation Office and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were consulted pursuant to all applicable laws. The draft EA was made available for public review and comment in June 2006. Two comment letters were received and were fully considered in preparation of the final EA.
The Final EA was issued in October 2006 by the Bureau of Reclamation, Provo Area Office (lead agency) and National Park Service, Bryce Canyon National Park (cooperating agency). The National Park Service issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) that was signed by the Regional Director on October 16, 2006. Compliance for the Tropic Ditch Replacement Project is documented on the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website (Project 13579).
Document Content:
Final Tropic Ditch EA   (718.5 KB, Word file)
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