Glacier Bay National Preserve Off-Road Vehicle Use Plan Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) is proposing to develop an Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Use Plan to designate ORV trails and routes in the Dry Bay area of Glacier Bay National Preserve.

The purpose of the plan would be to authorize and regulate the use of ORV's on specific trails and routes in the Preserve in support of commercial fishing as well as other purposes (i.e., subsistence or recreational activities) while minimizing and correcting damage to Preserve resources and values. Existing trails/routes that duplicate access or cause extensive resource damage may be closed. Repair strategies for trail segments in poor condition or contributing to resource damage along designated trails/routes would be developed. The designation of ORV trails and routes and the expansion of allowable ORV uses would be authorized through special regulations.

The ORV plan is needed to designate ORV trails or routes, broaden authorized ORV use from just commercial fishermen to other users and purposes, and to develop strategies to repair and maintain designated routes. From a practical standpoint, it is difficult to distinguish between uses for commercial fishing purposes and other uses, such as subsistence, recreation, or general travel. Therefore, the NPS proposes to designate ORV trails and routes for all users. The plan would change direction given in the 1984 General Management Plan (NPS, 1984) by recognizing a broader user group and increasing the use of public lands for a variety of purposes. The plan would be considered a GMP amendment.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 2, 2007 - May 18, 2007
Document Content:
Appendix H Dry Bay Trip Report   (633.8 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 1 Purpose and Need   (187.6 KB, PDF file)
Literature Cited   (22.4 KB, PDF file)
Appendix D Condition Assessment Tables   (131.9 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 3 Affected Environment   (3.8 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 4 Environmental Consequences   (510.0 KB, PDF file)
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