2025 Amended Record of Decision

The US Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS), has prepared this amended Record of Decision (ROD) and attachments on the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Final Off-Road Vehicle Plan/ Environmental Impact Statement (plan/EIS).

The ROD for this project was originally approved by the NPS Regional Director for Interior Regions 6, 7 & 8 (Intermountain Region) on September 7, 2018. Since that time, NPS has determined a need to revise the selected alternative. The selected alternative has been revised to prohibit street-legal ATVs and OHVs on 16.27 miles of GMP roads and on the approximately 8-mile section of Poison Springs Loop in the Orange Cliffs Special Management Unit (total of approximately 25 miles). Conventional motor vehicles are still allowed on these GMP roads. Approximately 190 miles of GMP roads remain open to conventional vehicles, street-legal ATVs and OHVs in that portion of Glen Canyon lying outside of the Orange Cliffs Special Management Unit. The newly-selected alternative does not open or close any GMP roads or previously designated off-road routes and areas. This amended ROD was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), its implementing regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508), the Department of the Interior's NEPA regulations (43 CFR 46), and the 2015 NPS NEPA Handbook.

This amended ROD conforms with the 1978 regulations that were in effect at the time that the DEIS, FEIS, and 2018 ROD were completed. This amended ROD includes a summary of the purpose and need for action; a synopsis of alternatives considered and analyzed in detail; a description of the newly-selected alternative and a summary of the impacts of that alternative, the basis for the decision; and a description of the environmentally preferable alternative. Aside from the description in the newly-selected alternative, the summary materials in this amended ROD are largely a recitation of background already provided in the 2018 ROD and are not modified by this decision.

An associated rule has also been published in the Federal Register, available at the following location: https://www.federalregister.gov/public-inspection/2025-00509/glen-canyon-national-recreation-area-motor-vehicles.
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