Comment period closes
Nov 21, 2024
at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in
Days, Hours, Min.

Fall 2024 Public Engagement

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please comment within the comment period, from October 18-November 21, 2024. A link to a PDF of the Reimagining the Taggart Lake Experience Public Engagement Newsletter is at the bottom of the page.

Click the "Comment Now" button on the left side of the screen to comment.

The purpose of this newsletter is to describe the desired conditions, the issues impacting these conditions, and potential action scenarios we are considering within the two focus areas. With this information and your own experiences, we would like to hear your insights on issues within the project area. Additionally, to understand your thoughts about parking lot and trailhead improvements, this newsletter also provides high-level concepts of what a reimagined parking lot and trailhead could look like.

The park will use this feedback to develop alternatives for the Reimagining the Taggart Lake Experience planning effort, which will be analyzed in the future per the National Environmental Policy Act.

Please consider the following key questions as you think about your feedback:
Comment Period: Oct 18, 2024 - Nov 21, 2024
Comment period closes Nov 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in:
Days, Hours, Min.
Topic Questions:
1. What have been the best parts of your experiences at Taggart Lake? What have been the worst parts?
2. What gets in the way of you enjoying or visiting Taggart Lake?
3. Are there types of experiences and opportunities at Taggart Lake not represented that should be?
4. How do the desired conditions for each area align with your experiences and expectations in that area?
5. Are there other ideas, or changes to listed ideas, that should be considered in this process for the Taggart Lake area beyond what is presented in this newsletter?
Document Content:
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