Comment period closes
Nov 3, 2024
at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in
Days, Hours, Min.

Valles Caldera National Preserve Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) is preparing a fire management plan (FMP) for Valles Caldera National Preserve and is seeking public input on the plan's environmental assessment (EA).

The EA defines two alternatives for implementing a wildland fire management program at Valles Caldera:

Alternative A (no action): a suppression-oriented wildland fire management program where suppression-oriented goals and objectives would prioritize safety and manage risk to people, natural, biological, and cultural resources, and infrastructure; and enhance relationships and collaboration for fire suppression. All human caused and naturally ignited fires would be suppressed. Prescribed fire would not be permitted. Thinning would be used for defensible space.

Alternative B (preferred action): a multiple strategy wildland fire management program where goals and objectives would prioritize safety and manage risk to people, natural, biological, and cultural resources, and infrastructure; enhance relationships and collaboration in all fire management actions and activities, including wildfire, prescribed fire, and forest thinning; prioritize ecosystem stewardship; allow naturally ignited fire to function; employ monitoring, research, and adaptive management; and incorporate adaptation to changing environmental conditions. All human caused fires would be suppressed. Naturally ignited fire would be allowed to burn under specific prescription parameters in a defined geographic area. Prescribed fire would be permitted. Thinning would be used for defensible space and forest stewardship.
Comment Period: Oct 1, 2024 - Nov 3, 2024
Comment period closes Nov 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in:
Days, Hours, Min.
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