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FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Lawco Trigger #1 Cross-boundary Exemption September 2023
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and National Park Service (NPS) regulations for nonfederal oil and gas rights (36 CFR 9B)1, NPS began preparing the "Lawco Trigger #1 Cross-boundary Exemption" Environmental Assessment (EA) in August 2022, which was released for public comment on June 24, 2023. The EA examined alternative actions and environmental impacts associated with the proposed project that would allow Texian Operating Company, LLC (Texian), on behalf of Lawco Resources LLC and Lawco Osage Operating, LLC (Lawco), to directionally drill the Trigger No. 1 well (Trigger #1) to explore a valid non-federal mineral lease beneath Big Thicket National Preserve (BITH), Little Pine Island - Pine Island Bayou Corridor Unit (Corridor Unit) in Hardin County, Texas.
The statements and conclusions reached in this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are based on documentation and analysis provided in the EA and associated decision file.
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BITH Texian-Lawco_Trigger 1_ FONSI FINAL Signed.pdf
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