2023 Public and Stakeholder Engagement

The National Park Service is interested in your feedback to better understand issues and opportunities for visitor use and visitor experiences. We are very interested in learning about your park values, perceptions of a desirable experience, perceived issues, reactions to the reservation system pilots, and what management strategies or solutions interest you.

Public feedback will inform how park managers approach visitor access in the summer of 2024. Information about the strategies for the summer of 2024 will be shared later this fall after we have heard from the public, Tribes, park partners, and stakeholders. The approach for summer 2024 will be informed by these factors:

• Lessons learned from the last three summers of reservation system pilots
• Visitor use monitoring and social science research
• Feedback from local businesses and communities
• Law, regulation, and policies that pertain to the National Park Service
• Feedback from the public, Tribes, park partners, and stakeholders

We are seeking feedback through September 30, 2023. Specifically, we are looking for feedback on the questions below.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 16, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
Topic Questions:
1. What experiences in Glacier National Park are most important to you?
2. What does your ideal experience at Glacier National Park look or feel like?
3. What most detracts from the quality of your experience in the park, if anything?
4. What did you learn from the three years of managed access pilots at Glacier? What worked well for you? What could have been better?
5. The National Park Service mission calls us to ensure fair and equitable visitor access while providing high-quality experiences and protecting the park and its resources. What strategies should the National Park Service consider to achieve these goals?
6. Do you have any other thoughts you would like to share? Is there anything you feel we have not covered?
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