Route 10 Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect

The National Park Service, Flagstaff Area National Monuments, propose to resurface the Wupatki – Sunset Crater Scenic Loop Road, also known as Forest Road 545. This 27 mile scenic loop is the primary, paved access road for Wupatki and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monuments, as well as large areas of adjacent lands managed by the Coconino National Forest, including the Strawberry Crater Wilderness Area and the Cinder Hills ORV Area.

The proposal includes paving and improving heavily-used turnouts and viewpoints such as the Painted Desert Overlook; design improvements of the parking lot and picnic benches at the Wupatki Visitor Center (including improved universal access for people with disabilities); removal and/or relocation of several unsafe, unpaved turnouts along sections of the road; improvements at the Doney Picnic Area including new picnic tables, additional split-rail fencing, paved walkways for enhanced universal/disabled access, and upgraded RV parking. Modifications at the Citadel Pueblo parking area include improved universal/disabled access to Nalakihu Pueblo, installation of a parking median and parking stalls, and new gates designed to provide a safe and effective means to close the site at night.

This project is being funded through the Federal Highway Administration. The Wupatki – Sunset Crater Scenic Loop Road was initially paved in the 1950s to provide better access to the then-remote National Monuments. It now serves as an important access road for the rural residential areas adjacent to the two National Monuments, as well as residents of the Navajo Nation.

Comment Period: Closed        Sep 23, 2005 - Oct 31, 2005
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