Rock Creek Park Military Road Trail Feasibility Study, Oregon Avenue/Glover Road NW to 16th Street NW

The US Department of Transportation's VOLPE Center managed a project for the National Park Service and the District Department of Transportation that addresses a need for an east-west pedestrian and bicycle transportation facility through Rock Creek Park in the northwestern area of the District of Columbia. VOLPE's contractors, Procon Consulting LLC and Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson, Inc completed this feasibility analysis to develop concepts for an improved on- or off-road bicycle and pedestrian facility to address this need. The facility is located between Glover Road / Oregon Avenue and 16th Street NW along Military Road in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. The proposed trail will also provide connections with the extensive north-south trail network within Rock Creek Park, including the bike trail alongside Beach Drive.

The project began with an Existing Conditions Report that included a review of related documents, a review of natural and cultural resources within the project area, a review of subsurface utilities, and the development of four trail options at a feasibility level. The feasibility level options were then analyzed to determine potential environmental and cultural impacts, potential traffic impacts, and cost estimates. Additionally, public stakeholder meetings were held with District area bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups. Based on the results of the stakeholder meetings and the analysis of the different options, one option was selected and moved into conceptual level design.

During the conceptual level design phase, a project limit of disturbance was developed using cross sections and a conceptual level stormwater management design. The limit of disturbance was further refined during a minimization analysis that identified seven potential retaining walls within the project area to reduce environmental and cultural resource impacts. Additionally, the project team identified permitting and mitigation strategies, performed a constructability analysis, identified potential project phasing opportunities, conducted an additional virtual public outreach meeting, and identified next steps that will need to be completed as the project continues to move forward.

The appendices for this project are available upon request from the National Park Service. Please contact Rock Creek Park Resources Manager Nick Bartolomeo at, or at 202-895-6010.
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