Public Meeting Presentation and Supporting Materials

1) Press release announcing the public comment phase (August 15 - September 30, 2022), the public meeting, and ways the public can provide comment to inform the study. (2 pages, pdf)

2) Project newsletter describing the study's purpose, process, and a high level summary of President Street Station's history. (4 pages, pdf)

3) Slides for August 18, 2022 in person and virtual public meeting. (34 slides, pdf)

4) Pre-recording of the August 18, 2022, public in-person presentation by National Park Service staff from 6 to 7:30 pm ET. This video-recording is posted on YouTube for the benefit of any online participants during the August 18 public meeting who may experience connectivity difficulties. This recording includes the same content as the in person presentation. The recording includes information about how to submit comments to inform the NPS study, particularly about the level of public support for the idea of potential new national park unit at President Street Station in Baltimore, Maryland. The public is encouraged to view and share this link throughout the public comment phase (August 15 - September 30, 2022).
Document Content:
Newsletter_08-15-2022-508.pdf   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
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