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Wears Valley Mountain Bike Trail Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
The Acting Regional Director, Southeast Region, National Park Service signed a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Wears Valley Mountain Bike Trail on May 18, 2022. The Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzed the no-action alternative and three action alternatives for construction of a mountain bike trail system. Based on the analysis presented in the Revised EA, which was available for public review from February 8 - March 10, 2022, and after considering public comments, NPS selected alternative 3 (Proposed Action and NPS preferred alternative). Alternative 3 will allow for construction of a mountain bike trail system with approximately 4.2 miles of easy trail, 2.9 miles of moderate trail, and 4.7 miles of advanced trail for a total of 11.8 miles of mountain bike trails. Alternative 3 also includes approximately 2.3 miles of pedestrian-only trails in the project area for a total of 14.1 miles of trails. A less than 1 mile access road will be constructed along the proposed Parkway Section 8D road alignment to access the mountain bike trail system and trailhead. The selected alternative may also include a concession/bike rental building and/or a fee collection station with trailhead amenities. Next steps include a business analysis by the NPS to examine possible operational strategies for a mountain bike trail system. No funding for construction has yet been identified.
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