Wildland Fire Management Plan

The National Park Service (NPS) is soliciting public comment on the Fire Management Plan for Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site and Johnstown Flood National Memorial. This plan is a comprehensive document that addresses how the park will respond to wildland fires within the parks. The parks welcome public input regarding the issues and alternatives proposed for achieving the management goals as outlined in the FMP/EA. Issues of major importance that have been identified include the effects of the implementation of a wildland fire program on firefighter and public safety, air quality, soils, vegetation and wildlife (including threatened and endangered species), cultural resources, wetlands and floodplains, and impacts on adjacent landowners and the public.

Due to the size of the report computer file, the document was separated by appendices. Please read the document in the order presented. Appendix D is included in the main body.

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Comment Period: Closed        Jun 30, 2005 - Aug 15, 2005
Document Content:
Appendix B Part 1   (1.9 MB, Word file)
Appendix B Part 2   (1.6 MB, Word file)
Widland Fire Appendix A   (95.5 KB, Word file)
Appendix C   (2.7 MB, Word file)
Appendix C Part 1   (2.2 MB, Word file)
Wildland Fire Main Body   (701.5 KB, Word file)
Appendix B   (2.7 MB, Word file)
Appendix C Part 2   (1.3 MB, Word file)
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