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Backcountry Management Plan, GMP Amendment, & Environmental Assessment - December 2021

The National Park Service is seeking public input on the Draft Backcountry Management Plan and associated environmental assessment (EA) for Wupatki National Monument. The purpose of this Plan is to provide protection and preservation of irreplaceable resources and wilderness character, while establishing long-term direction for public access and experiences to be had in eligible wilderness and other backcountry lands of the Monument. 

The EA describes two alternatives: a no-action alternative and an action alternative — which has been identified as the NPS preferred alternative. The no-action alternative reflects a continuation of current management practices, as established in the park's 2004 General Management Plan. The action alternative presents a phased approach to expanding visitor opportunities in the monument's backcountry through additional guided hikes and the potential for permitted, unguided access to a section of the backcountry. The action alternative also includes updated management zoning descriptions and boundaries, visitor capacities, and monitoring indicators and thresholds established to guide resource protection and management. 

• Visitor Access and Experience
• Wilderness Character: Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation
• Cultural Resources

In accordance with section 106, the National Park Service found that implementation of the NPS preferred alternative would have an effect on historic properties but the effect would not be adverse and actions support the Secretary of the Interior's Standard for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Therefore, the National Park Service determined that this undertaking constitutes a determination of "no adverse effect," and the Arizona SHPO provided concurrence on "no adverse effect".
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 15, 2021 - Jan 30, 2022
Topic Questions Instructions:
Wupatki National Monument is accepting public comments on the draft plan/EA through January 13, 2022.

To be most helpful, the NPS is seeking substantive comments that provide new and detailed information relevant to:
-environmental issues / impact topics analyzed;
-alternatives, including mitigation measures which could reduce potentially harmful effects; and
-the information used to describe the affected environment and environmental consequences.

Comments which are not helpful include those which:
-vote for or against a potential management practice, tool, or alternative without giving reasons why;
-agree or disagree with laws, regulation, or NPS policy;
-discuss other projects or other areas; and/or
-contain vague, open-ended statements or questions.
Topic Questions:
1. We would like to hear your thoughts on the alternatives presented in the plan, the analysis of their impacts, and any other concerns or ideas you might have. Your comments will help us ensure we have the best plan possible.
Document Content:
WUPABMPEA_508_2021-1213.pdf   (6.4 MB, PDF file)
WUPANewsletter508_121521_PEPC.pdf   (4.7 MB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
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