Fire Management Plan EA

The purpose of the Lake Roosevelt NRA Draft FMPEA is to supplement the existing EA by adding project areas for hazard fuel reduction and to revise the operating guidelines for project implementation expanding the use of mechanical methods and the continued use of prescribed fire to accomplish park management objectives.
Comment Period: Closed        Feb 14, 2005 - Mar 21, 2005
Document Content:
FMPEA Figures 3-5   (799.5 KB, Word file)
Fire Management Plan EA   (823.0 KB, Word file)
Appendix E Hunters to Na Bor Le   (3.8 MB, .zip file)
Appendix F Bradbury to Hunters   (3.6 MB, .zip file)
FMPEA Figure 1 and 2   (3.5 MB, Word file)
Appendix E Bradbury to Hagg Cove   (4.2 MB, .zip file)
Appendix F Jones Bay to Na Bor Le   (3.4 MB, .zip file)
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