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MS TIG Draft Restoration Plan II/Eanvironmenatl Assessment: Wetlands, Coasta, and Nearshore Habitats and Oysters
Consistent with the PDARP/PEIS, the Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group has completed the Draft Restoration Plan II/Environmental Assessment: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats and Oysters. The proposed action of this Draft RP II/EA is the selection of four alternatives/projects for implementation: Wolf River Coastal Preserves Habitat Management - Dupont and Bell's Ferry Tracts- WCNH; Hancock County Coastal Preserves Habitat Management - Wachovia Tract-WCNH; Oyster Spawning Reefs in Mississippi- Oysters; and Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program-Oysters. The combined estimated cost of the proposed projects is $15,387,500. If approved, the projects/activities would be funded by $4,887,500 from the WCNH Restoration Type and $10,500,000 from the Oysters Restoration Type.
Comment Period:
Apr 22, 2020 - May 22, 2020
Document Content: |
Final Draft RP II EA - 508 compliant 4-15-2020.pdf
(17.3 MB, PDF file)
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