DWH NRDA Restoration - Texas TIG Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment #3: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats

Federal Agencies - other than NPS » DWH NRDA Restoration - Texas TIG Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment #3: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats » Document List

This Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #3 focuses on the beneficial use of dredged material to restore and conserve wetlands, coastal, and nearshore habitats. The Draft Plan includes a description and evaluation of eight restoration projects, also called restoration alternatives, that compensate for the Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats Restoration Type injured by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Seven alternatives are preferred and one of the alternatives is not preferred by the Texas TIG at this time. Pursuant to NEPA, a No Action alternative is also evaluated. The reasonable range of project alternatives evaluated by the Texas Trustee Implementation Group are:
• Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge Roberts Mueller Tract Wetland Restoration (preferred);
• Goose Island Wetland Restoration (preferred);
• Guadalupe River Old Delta Wetland Restoration (not preferred);
• Lower Neches Wildlife Management Area Old River Unit Wetland Restoration (preferred);
• McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge Willow Lake Terraces Wetland Restoration (preferred);
• San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge Sargent Oil Field Wetland Restoration (preferred);
• Schicke Point Wetland Restoration (preferred); and
• Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge Wetland Restoration (preferred).

The total estimated cost to implement the seven preferred alternatives is $40 million.

Contact Information

Jamie Schubert, 409-679-3237