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Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve Campground and Cave Tour Fee Increase Proposal
Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve » Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve Campground and Cave Tour Fee Increase Proposal » Document List
The park is proposing a 10-dollar increase to overnight fees at Cave Creek Campground for the next 2 years and another 10-dollar increase after that as additional improvements occur including water and electrical at individual sites, accessible campsites, road improvements, and new restrooms are completed. A proposed increase for cave tours is also being considered at the following rates: Adult $20 (currently $10), Child $15 (Currently $7.00), and Off Trail $65 (Currently $45).
These proposed campground fee increases are based on comparable fees for similar services in nearby campgrounds and cave tours offered both by federal agencies and the private sector.
The proposed fee increases are necessary for Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve to improve and maintain high-quality visitor services. While basic park operations are funded by direct appropriations from Congress, the recreation use fees collected by the park are used to support new projects and the ongoing maintenance of park facilities that directly enhance the visitor experience.
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) is the legislation that allows the park to collect amenity fees. This law allows parks such as Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve to retain 100 percent of the fees collected in park for use on projects and staffing that will directly enhance the experience of park visitors.
Some of the projects funded through the collection of cave tour and campground fees at
Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve include:
Hazard Tree Mitigation: The park is among many areas that is being affected by Port Orford Cedar Root Rot. Recreation fee monies have funded mitigation of hazard trees in or near the Cave Creek Campground.
Campground Improvements: The park continues to use recreation fee monies to replace log linings, fire rings, adding bear boxes, maintain walking paths and repair and replace picnic tables.
Hiking Trail Repairs and Improvements: Many hiking trail repair projects have been
funded by recreation fee monies, such as repairing damaged sections and repairing eroding control devices.