National Park Of American Samoa » NPSA SETP » Document List

National Park of American Samoa's Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP) includes findings from the self-evaluation process, as well as a plan for improving accessibility parkwide. The Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan resulted from the work of a National Park Service (NPS) interdisciplinary team, including planning, design, and construction professionals; and interpretive, resource, visitor safety, maintenance, and accessibility specialists. Site plans, photographs, and specific actions for identified park areas were developed. Associated time frames and implementation strategies were established to assist NPS park staff in scheduling and performing required actions and to document completed work.

Park policies, practices, communication, and training needs were also addressed. The goals of the plan are to 1) document existing park barriers to accessibility for people with disabilities, 2) provide an effective approach for upgrading facilities, services, activities, and programs, and 3) instill a culture around creating universal access.

The park is now seeking your input to help us understand what additional ideas you have for accessibility. Manuia!

Contact Information

Scott Burch