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Rehabilitate Balsam Mountain/Heintooga Water and Wastewater Systems
Great Smoky Mountains National Park » Rehabilitate Balsam Mountain/Heintooga Water and Wastewater Systems » Document List
The water and wastewater systems serving the Balsam Mountain Campground and the Heintooga Picnic Area were built in 1953-1955 and require rehabilitation to protect human health and safety by continuing to provide safe drinking water and proper wastewater treatment and disposal. The proposed action is also needed to reduce system maintenance requirements and the incidence of system failures.
Proposed water system improvements include: replacing existing water lines and the well pump; rehabilitating the existing 30,000-gallon below ground water storage tank by lining it with a polyethylene coating and replacing existing piping and valves; and constructing a new, approximately 0.25-mile gravel water tank access road.
Proposed wastewater system improvements include: replacing sewer lines in the campground and installing two new conventional septic systems, one for each picnic area comfort station.