Comprehensive Management Plan for Lands under Agricultural Lease/Permits Environmental Assessment

Point Reyes National Seashore » Comprehensive Management Plan for Lands under Agricultural Lease/Permits Environmental Assessment » Document List

Ranch Planning Workshops

The purpose of these workshops is to discuss what we have heard to date, solicit further thought and discussion on the most important issues raised by both park ranchers and the public through the scoping process, and lay out the next steps.

In addition to the two workshops, a brief comment period—November 17-26—will be open to gather additional comments. Through these community workshops, we hope to foster a constructive dialog focused on some of the most critical issues that have emerged. Your ideas will both inform and shape the range of alternatives presented this coming summer in the ranch plan.

Click on the "Open for Comment" link to left to view the workshop handout and submit comments.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Outreach Coordinator Melanie Gunn at 415-464-5162. We appreciate your participation in this process.