Jamaica Bay Unit Transportation Study and Scope

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The National Park Service (NPS) and the Federal Highway Administration's Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) have completed transportation studies of the Brooklyn and Queens portions of Gateway National Recreation Area (Gateway). The studies have focused on providing safe and efficient travel within Gateway's Jamaica Bay unit (considering planned growth and developments); improving transportation operating conditions;
and improving the overall visitor "approach" experience. These improvements are necessary to meet the needs of the growing regional and visitor population. Maintaining the delicate balance between population and resource is a challenge for all national parks. This challenge is compounded for national recreation areas, which must also seek to provide direct access to the park's resources for recreational purposes. Therefore, to meet its mission at Gateway, the NPS must be continually working to ensure that the park is safely and efficiently connected to the local and regional transportation network. Furthermore, because the Jamaica Bay unit is comprised of a variety of different installations scattered around the Bay, there are a vast number of transportation routes and modes that need to be accommodated into the park's internal access and circulation network.

Contact Information

Lisa Eckert
Jamaica Bay Superintendent
Gateway National Recreation Area
Building 69
Floyd Bennett Field
Brooklyn, NY 11234