Scoping Comment Summary: Verizon Telecommunications Tower for Point Reyes Hill

This document summarizes input received from the public during the public scoping period for a proposed Verizon communications facility for Point Reyes Hill in Point Reyes National Seashore. Through the public scoping process, the National Park Service (NPS) requested input from the public on the range of the issues and alternatives to the Verizon proposal that should be considered in an environmental assessment (EA) to be prepared during the subsequent phase of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The 49-day public scoping period ran from June 20, 2013 to August 7, 2013. Scoping input was received from 28 individuals, 1 political organization, 2 non-profit organizations and three governmental agencies.

The EA is currently being written and will be published on the PEPC website for public review and comment. The public will be notified when the EA is available for review through the Seashore's mailing list, the Seashore website and local media. In this Scoping Comment Summary, the comments received by the NPS are listed by general topic headings.

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