Create Accessible Ramp at Meyers Beach and New Trail Network at Little Sand Bay

The National Park Service (NPS) at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore - - Wenabozho Ominisan (Park) has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the creation of an accessible ramp at Meyers Beach and the construction of a new trail network at Little Sand Bay and is seeking public comment from April 12 - May 12, 2023. Please be aware that your entire comment - including personal identifying information such as address, phone number, and email address - may be made publicly available. Requests to withhold such personal identifying information from public release will be considered, but there is no guarantee that they will be withheld.

This EA has been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide a decision-making framework as follows: 1) Assess a reasonable range of alternatives to meet the purpose of the proposed action; 2) Evaluate potential issues and impacts to the natural and cultural resources of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore; and 3) Identify required mitigation measures designed to lessen the degree or extent of any potential adverse environmental impacts.

Two alternatives have been evaluated: Alternative A: No Action; and Alternative B: Create Accessible Ramp at Meyers Beach and New Trail Network at Little Sand Bay (Preferred Action). Under Alternative A, no significant improvements to the visitor experience on the mainland of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore or changes to current management for Meyers Beach and Little Sand Bay would occur. Under Alternative B, the Park would create a new accessible ramp at Meyers Beach and construct a new trail network at Little Sand Bay; ultimately improving the Parks accessibility.

This EA identifies the categories of resources, or Impact Topics, found within the project area that are most likely to be affected by the actions described within the alternatives. These topics have undergone a detailed analysis by agency staff to determine the most likely effects on the resources and the required mitigations to avoid resource damage. The Impact Topics are identified in Section 1.5 of this document, and in Table 1. The preferred action would not result in significant impacts to any resources within Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 12, 2023 - May 12, 2023
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